UniFight Survival Camp carries the goal to strengthen family bonds, physical development of children and strengthening friendship between families.
UniFight Survival Camp carries the goal to strengthen family bonds, physical development of children and strengthening friendship between families.
Fees for each event may change depending on the format, the number of participants, experience from past events, or any significant upgrade of the camp infrastructure.
Most survival sessions will require help of either parents or friends. We encourage parents to take this opportunity and spend quality time with the child. Such moments will remain in their memory forever. This will be the story they’ll tell to their friends at school and you will be part of that story as a good farther or mother.
At least one parent needs to accompany his/her child(ren) under 12 years of age to help them with tasks that involve usage of the below items. All listed items must be carried by parents and used to help with survival objectives.
As we strive to make the event better, rules may be adjusted based on participant feedback or requirements of the event. Make sure to check this page prior to the event for any updates.